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How might your life change if God himself walked into your home and stayed for ten days? To that question, I believe I have an answer. On the 13th of March 2019, the Shekinah glory of the Lord appeared in our home and remained for ten days. God revealed himself to me through visions, miracles, revelations, and his unmistakable voice during that time. He came bearing gifts for my entire family and me. He healed my brokenness, restored my marriage, and gave my life purpose. Nothing would ever be the same. He asked only one thing of us, which was to “Show up and tell the story.”
"He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those who have young. Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand or with the breath of His hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket or weighed the mountains on a scale and the hills in the balance?" (Isaiah 40)
Isaiah's words paint a beautiful picture of God, from his tenderness and compassion to his power and majesty. God allowed me to see the same stunning picture. When I had nothing, he gave me everything. He is a good dad who gives good gifts to his children. (see Matthew 7:11)
Bear in mind, before that fateful day in mid-March, I was convinced that God didn’t speak to modern believers like He used to speak to the prophets. That doctrinal bubble was burst quickly.
Since our encounter, my wife Tracy and I have continued to tell our story to anyone who will listen. We even published a book, Beyond Impossible: How a Divine Visitation Brought New Life to a Marriage.
During the encounter, my wife, Tracy, suggested I start journaling to record everything God was revealing to me. Before the encounter, I had never journaled in my life, but now it has become a daily practice. On most occasions, I write words directly from God. I know declaring God speaks to me through my pen is a bold statement and one that I do not take lightly. Since 2019, He has given me many words about future events, and some have already come to pass. At times I have struggled to accept the truth in words He has given me. But in recent days, my confidence has swallowed my doubt. He has made it clear it is time to relay what He began to share with me over two and half years ago.
In May 2019, shortly after our first granddaughter was born, the Lord began speaking to me about the future of the United States. He told me numerous times that a revival is coming, the likes of which the world has never seen. A revival of signs and wonders that will fulfill the words spoken long ago, “And I will grant wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke” (Acts 2:17:19).
God wants to give people an opportunity to believe and accept Him as the one true God through His son, Jesus. In my journal, God said, "The scales have tipped too much; evil is running rampant and has twisted, contorted, deceived, altered just enough of the truth to make it a lie in disguise. I will course-correct, exposing the false prophets and slayers of the word. The things in the dark will now be in the light.”
The severity of this brings to mind the words in Job, “The wicked are denied their light, and their upraised arm is broken” (Job 38:15).
God continued, “This exposure will happen in our government, schools, media, business, and the church. It will occur in places and to people that one would never expect. Many will fall in silence, their deeds known only to a few. Others will fall hard and publicly; people will be shocked at what they have done.” He allowed his saints to be martyred, false prophets to proclaim lies, and evil to destroy marriages, fathers, children, and the unborn. The time is at hand when He will allow these things no longer.
He continued to say, “Goodness will once again balance the scales. Your children and their children will grow up in a world full of Jesus, not one lacking Him.”
Lord, I praise you for these prophetic words, and I pray the Holy Spirit will confirm these words to all who read them. In the name of Jesus, Amen.