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On Wednesday, March 13, 2019, God revealed Himself in our home in Baja California, Mexico, in a deeply personal way. Through visions, miracles, prophecies, and the undeniable yet inaudible voice of Almighty God, He made Himself known to Randal. We wrote a book to share our story, attempting to explain what happened and the profound impact it had on our lives. And yet, our words are wonderfully inadequate. How can anyone contain Almighty God? Who can fully describe Him? Who can capture even a glimpse of His glory, majesty, and holiness?
Randal has shared revelations about Jesus—things neither of us had ever known. The God he encountered is not bound by the laws of physics or any human constraints. He does not fit into the boxes we create. No words in any language can adequately describe Him; they simply do not exist. And yet, if anyone were to experience Jesus as Randal did, they would have no choice but to love Him with every ounce of their being—down to the very last subatomic particle. His love is overwhelming, all-consuming. As Paul wrote in Romans 8:39, “Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
I have heard Randal say many times, “If everyone could experience Him as I did, they would want Jesus as their best friend. He would be the center of their lives, and the world would be a different place.” Though I didn’t experience Jesus in the way Randal did during God’s visit, I was a witness. And I can testify to the supernatural encounter that changed my husband’s life—and mine—forever. Not everyone will have the privilege of such an experience, which is why it’s so important to share our story as God instructed. We may not be able to fully describe who Jesus is, but we can offer others a glimpse of the love and joy that comes from knowing Him.
Before God’s visitation, sharing our story with the world was something we never would have considered. Our story is filled with brokenness. Randal and I have loved God for most of our lives, yet we were deeply flawed and disobedient. Still, even in our darkest moments—though we were unaware—He was there. He held us up, even when we strayed. Our journey with Him was inconsistent, filled with setbacks and failures, but He never left us. And when we least deserved it, He showed up.
Randal and I were married for eight years, divorced for five, and have now been back together for thirteen. Though we believed in Jesus for most of our lives, we struggled constantly, never finding true stability in our marriage or family. Chaos seemed to follow us—bankruptcies, lawsuits, mental illness from a traumatic brain injury, infidelity, shame, failed businesses, and the relentless stress of blending our family from past broken marriages. And yet, through all of it, there was purpose. When God supernaturally healed Randal, He began healing me as well.
God gave meaning to every day of Randal’s life—even the worst ones. The good, the bad, the devastating, and the joyful—He showed us that none of it was wasted. Why did He choose to reveal Himself in this way? Why did He choose to heal Randal? I’ve learned that some things are not for us to understand. What I do know is that God showed up and gave two very broken people many gifts, not only for ourselves but for our children. He became Randal’s Father when he lost his own. And He did the same for me. He is a good, good Papa who knows how to give the best gifts to His children. He is everyone’s Father.
That is the heart of our story. It’s about a loving Father who keeps His promises. When I was a twelve-year-old girl who lost both my father and brother to suicide within three weeks, He comforted me. He healed my pain. He redeemed and restored a broken marriage so that we could create a new legacy through His miraculous intervention.
Our story is a testimony to God’s boundless love and supernatural power to heal the brokenhearted. It’s about His desire for intimacy with every person on earth. It’s about Him being a Father to a fatherless world. That is the beautiful love story He wants us to share. And He wants you to know it too. It has taken us a long time to fully grasp it, but we now see that even in the midst of our greatest tragedies, He was with us. And He is with you too.
Maybe He won’t show up in your home the way He did in ours, but that doesn’t mean His presence isn’t surrounding you, blessing you, calling you to a purpose greater than yourself. His love is boundless. The Bible speaks of it. The cross demonstrates it.
No matter how broken you are. No matter how much you believe your life is ruined. No matter how many mistakes you’ve made—God’s love covers them all. His love can heal them all. His love can give purpose to them all.
Today, joy pours from our hearts because we are living in the days He ordained for us. And nothing is greater.
Thank You, Father, for all the gifts You have given us and continue to give. You truly are a good, good Papa.
To read our full story, you can find our book, Beyond Impossible, on Amazon.