New ParagraphYO8u
“The cosmos screams! It screams, look at me. Look at my creator! Look at Almighty God who
created me! My sun warms you, gives you life. It can consume you. Who created me? From
where was I born? My God-breathed life and I was born. By his hand, each star hangs. By his
hand, they consume themselves. By his hand, the canopies of the heavens are stretched. I came
from nothing. I began at the will of my father. I expand and birth new planets at the will of my
creator. I have been worshiped by man. I have been sought for guidance. What fool is a man
who worships the created and not the creator? What fool is blind to the love that created
them, of the one who gives them breath. Tear off your blindfolds. Remove the blinders that
hinder your sight. Remove the fog that distorts your vision. Look and behold the Lord. My
creation screams my goodness and majesty. Ears are dull; eyes are closed, hearts turned to the
lust of evil. My name is Yahweh; I am the Lord. Behold my presence, behold my correction. Be
witness to my authority. Let my peace calm your souls. Let my wing be your hiding place.
Behold your creator, not what has been created by my hand. Wise men look beyond their eyes,
beyond their knowledge and intellect. With their eyes open, they see that without me, only
blackness exists. Without me, there is no breath, no life, nothing—only an empty void lacking
my peace, love, and joy. Without me, gnashing of teeth, screams of injustice. Without me,
eternal misery. Why do people not see? Why are their eyes fixed on today and not what awaits
tomorrow? Deception, trickery, and lies abound. They devour shallow minds seeking power,
money, and beauty. Evil has won the day, but evil will win no longer. The time of the Lord is
“Wake up my people. Arise from your slumber. Watch as the streets are swept of evil and
washed in goodness. Watch the hand, the uncompromising hand of the Lord, crush the wicked.
They walk in ways far from me, not of me, detestable in my sight. Is this whom I have created?
And for what purpose? Do they serve evil, their evil desires as they boast in their wickedness
and consume the innocent, the weak, the vulnerable? Their boast has ended. The time of the
Lord is now. Their fate awaits. That which they have inflicted will fall on them ten times over for
all eternity. This is the punishment for the evil they have consumed like a fire in a dry field. The
punishment awaits, the judgment has sounded. I, the Lord, cannot stand to look upon the evil
that has consumed a creation of goodness and peace. A creation now born of sadness and
destruction of all that is. My eyes weep for my people. My eyes weep for the lost whom my
people have discounted as unworthy because of race, tribe, or tongue. Haughty eyes see
squalor; they see the sick, the wounded. They claim to care for these, but I, the Lord, know
their hearts. I see through their eyes as they turn from those in need to seek the comfort of
what is known to what is familiar in their folly. I watch as they rest on their principles and
beliefs. Those taught by men who teach pleasure, who promote softness. Those who say that I
the Lord will provide them wealth if only they call on their creator. Do they ask for wisdom? Do
they trust the one who loves them most to give them what is best? That which brings the
wealth of the heart and not the wallet. They seek, they ask for what their hearts want, for
things born of childish wisdom and foolishness. These are the things they seek. They too shall
see the hand of the Lord.”
“They will see what I the Lord have for them. Far from their idols, far from their lives of comfort
and blindness. They, too, have fallen to the subtle lies of the enemy. Their eyes lust for things
that which is far from their needs. They lust for the things of the world, not of me. Can they
take them to the heavens? Will they bring honor at the gates? Hearts of goodness bring the
honor that I seek. Humble hearts accept the sacrifice I the Lord have made. None can
look upon me without the cleansing of the spirit by the love of my blood. All must be
cleansed of their wickedness to gaze upon my goodness. My robe will not be stained by the
arrogance of the truth they chose to ignore. The truth born of my son who gained all in
obedience to the one who sent him. To the one who bore the pain of his sacrifice. To him, all
has been given. Each man, woman, and child of my creation will stand before him to be judged.
Only by his blood is forgiveness found. This is the word of the Lord.”